Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE)
Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE) is a not-for-profit organisation devoted to reducing the impacts of emotional and mental health problems in the pre and postnatal periods. COPE provides a national, dedicated focus to perinatal mental health to address the identified issues that we know are currently preventing people from accessing timely and effective information and care.
For more information visit www.cope.org.au.

Transitioning Well
Transitioning Well specialises in navigating life transitions in the workplace. Focusing on key transitions, including ‘parental-leave’, ‘work-life integration’ and ‘mature-age’ our national team of psychologists develop and promote best practice strategies and tailored solutions across the employment life cycle.
For more information visit www.transitioningwell.com.au.

HR Legal
HR Legal sets the industry standard for having a robust, current and precise understanding of the law and its most effective application. Dan Feldman and Georgie Chapman, experienced practitioners and partners, lead HR Legal with the understanding that workplace relations are highly sensitive and can have profound consequences on any business. We invest our experience and expertise into the development of policies, procedures and practices that help you not only meet minimum legal compliance, but assist you to move into the best practice space.
For more information visit www.hrlegal.com.au